Arcane Defiance Gaming Community: ADGC

Welcome to Arcane Defiance Gaming (ADGC).

- Years of experience: Founded in 2007

- Zero tolerance for trolls, toxic ####s, and ghosts.

- Adult only. Mainly recruiting for 25+. Exceptions can be made down to 18 if an individual is mature and self-reliant.

- Team focused. Be interested in actually being in a community.

- All platforms welcome.

- Must respect every individual's right to live their life how ever they want and say whatever they want. (This does not cover toxic behavior.)

This is a community centered gaming clan. This means, you get what you put into it. We are looking to build real friendships and welcome fellow gamers to a true team. This is not a service for folks who are bored and just looking for a quick game with someone. If you actually want to find a team you can grow with and become a part of the community, this is the place for you. 

Community Rules


All users of this server must value and respect individual's rights to self expression. We will not always feel or believe the same way. We may live vastly different lives. Each individual has the right to live the best life they can in the manner they so desire. Weather it be traditionally religious or more adventurous. All walks of life are respected so long as they respect others. Imposing your own ideas and demanding others adapt to your personal choices will not be tolerated. If you are offended by an individuals humor or ideas, it is your responsibility to engage in other ways, not their responsibility to conform to your ideals. Jokes of any shade and form are welcome, however any serious promotion of harm to others based on one's faith or ideas will not be tolerated. Adult content and conversation is not prohibited but blatant pornography is not tolerated.


This clan requires members to be at least 18 years of age and mainly self-reliant. As an older generation of gamers, we want our environment to be with those who can relate and communicate with us at the same level in a mature manner. Additionally, due to an adult atmosphere, the server content is not safe for youth participation. Considering the increasing age of Adult Children, the clan focuses on recruiting individuals 25 years or older.

Toxic Behavior

Harassment and Toxic Behavior will not be tolerated in any form. This does fall under the right to express yourself, but it is then our responsibility to cease engaging you as the behavior is unacceptable.


1: Constantly correcting others and demeaning them.
2: Demanding your ideas be followed. (If you have a suggestion, submit it in the proper place.)
3: Continuously badgering, insulting, or otherwise tormenting an individual after they have told you to back off.
4: Intentionally trying to tear someone down with sadistic intent.


Discord: Onubix#8518